It is important to develop right floor plan for your basement. I would like to introduce you AutoDesk HomeStyler – a great tool that might be helpful for planning a renovation of your basement or virtually any other room in the house. It’s very simple to use and allows you to create your floor plan within a few minutes.

You can also design the interior by choosing any of the furniture images from the library. When hiring a contractor you could always present the desired look of your finished basement indicating exactly what you want using visuals rather than words.

Homestyler Floor Planner by Autodesk is a free Web app intended for those residential and light-commercial interior-design projects that fall just short of “professional”. While this program wasn’t the easiest to get the hang of, it could be a valuable tool for a homeowner considering a home remodel. HomeStyler is a great tool has a lot more to it, so check the website: