Contrary to what most people think, acquiring a permit for the basement is very important. If not done at the right time, the only thing you will accomplish is to create trouble for yourself in the future, as well as a large amount of money that you would have to spend on fine and reconstruction. It will not be wrong to say that acquiring a basement permit to make it legal is a part of the construction just like the physical work.
To upgrade your basement, you either have to renovate it or remodel it. Both sound the same but, both describe different basement improvement projects. Let us look at both of them so that you can decide which one you need.
A shower niche is a built-in shelf in the wall, which will add more storage space for your bathroom and hold all your shampoos, shower gels and other bathroom essentials. Building a niche in your shower does come with some extra costs and requires additional time for installation, however – a niche is so much better than regular shelves that you would otherwise hang. Custom niches provide you with an impressive design solution and will also add extra space in your bathroom as well as keep it clutter free.
If you’re planning on the basement renovation or remodeling you should look at some important things, which you might need in the future. It’s better to address them before your basement is not done yet.